MeWe Member Profile: Paul Morrow – Artist

At MeWe we are proud to champion the work of our many talented members and today it is the turn of up and coming artist Paul Morrow.

Amongst the artwork currently on display at MeWe360’s Soho Square venue are several of Paul’s pieces. Heron was recently shortlisted for the 2016 National Open Art Competition and Heron 2, another work in the same series, is part of the collection exhibited at MeWe360, along with Fragments 1, 3, 7, 8, and 9.

Paul’s approach to painting is anchored in the moment and immediacy. His pieces explore notions of time and place, capturing these in paint as a biographical record through the medium of paint.

Paul’s pieces are generated through gestures and marks applied and then considered. An judi slot online intervention is then made to keep or remove the marks, here the painting doesn’t have a fixed destination rather a direction whose trajectory is revealed through these interventions, charting time just as a diary does.

The pieces reveal their composition over a period of time, in a manner that could be described as intuitive; a dialectical conversation mediated by paint.

Paul is currently seeking representation and looking for more opportunities to exhibit his work. Please contact MeWe360 if you would like to find out more.

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