At the end of last year, MeWe360 secured £1 million of investment from Arts Council England, and a new status as a Sector Support Organisation, a new category within the Art’s Councils’ National Portfolio (NPO) which we officially launch this month.
As such, we play a vital role in supporting the cultural sector and help to drive progress and change. With our new status, MeWe has the unique opportunity to help other organisations within the sector to build robust arts businesses in a sustainable way by providing guidance, development and access to resources and investment opportunities. We also assist them to more effectively support BAME talent.
The status represents recognition from the Arts Council and wider sector that the work that we do is valuable to the creative industries as a whole, and not just to the individuals who engage in our programmes. The funding helps us to develop new programmes and increase our capacity to support even more individuals and businesses.
Keep an eye on our blog for more news about this exciting next stage for MeWe.