Anguish & Action – in support of the Black Lives Matter movement

With recent events of police brutality taking place in the USA, leading to mass protests across the world in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, it can be difficult to navigate what one should do, especially as the lockdown continues in the UK.

Compiled below is a list of campaigns, petitions, and resources that MeWe360 is putting together, in the global push to ensure #BlackLivesMatter everywhere.

Many of the resources shared below are provided by creatives within our network.

As a UK-based and focused organisation, this is where our focus lies. As a global issue, we welcome international resources. If you think there is anything crucial missing from this list, please get in touch by email.

James Baldwin – “How much time do you want for your progress?”

Write to your MP

Our friends from POST:SCRIPT have compiled a series of templates for you to adapt to write to your MP:

This document also has a fantastic list of educational resources, fundraisers and petitions to sign.


UK organisations to support

List provided by our friends at YouPress:

Local community actions

North London Covid 19 Compliant BLM: A Knee in Support of Black Lives Matter
When: 11am, Sat 13th June 2020
Where: The grass area below the steps in front of Alexandra Palace

If you have felt like you’ve wanted to add your voice to the many who have been protesting over the past two weeks but felt unable to do so because of the pandemic then this is a local and socially distanced way to participate.

Please ensure you and your household maintain a distance and wear face masks and gloves to keep everyone safe.

This is a very localised action that we are aware of. If you come back to us with more, we will create a whole list of localised actions.

What to Read

A list of Black revolutionary texts

What to Watch

  • When They See Us (mini series currently on Netflix).
    Directed by Ana DuVernay
  • 13th (documentary currently on Netflix).
    Directed by Ana DuVernay

    Ava has created a learning resource to accompany her films: check it out Array 101

Further Resources

Gal-dem’s suggestions:

POST:SCRIPT’s 7 suggestions:

Jamii’s suggestions:

Obama Foundation’s article and compiled resources

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